Your only source of local news

and the Aberdeen Times
The deadlines for submitting content to the newspaper is the Thursday at 5pm or at noon for public notices, before the next Wednesday publication. This deadline may be adjusted for holidays and a change in deadline will appear here.
Coming soon...
Currently news will only be posted after the physical paper comes out, however we are working on an online subscription for subscribers to access news much quicker. Keep your eyes on this space!
Honoring Those We've Lost
To place an obituary contact or call 208 226 5294. The charge is 10 cents per word and $5 for a photo. We have special rates if you want to place the obituary in both the Press and the Times. Obituaries can also be submitted with the form below and we will contact you with pricing. All obituary submissions must be received by Thursday at Noon to be in the following week's newspaper. Obituaries received after Thursday will be delayed a week